Thursday, May 3, 2012

The final blog!!!

Hello for the last time audience. To start off this final post we're briefly going to be looking at Northrend as a whole in its present state. The climate of Northrend does not vary much from one area to the next. For the most part it is very much like a polar climate with cold temperatures and very little precipiation. There is also a Tundra like climate in the southern areas of Northrend. Lets move on to the topography of Northrend for a moment. The only area in Northrend where you will find any flat land would be in Borean Tundra. Northrend is an extremely mountainous region where almost all of the land has some sort of incline. Next up, we're going to quickly look at the hydrology of Northrend. You will find very few actual rivers within Northrend since so much of the water is found in the forms of either snow or ice.

10 years in the future

In 10 years you won't see much of a physical change to the geography of Northrend. Physical change in geography takes an extremely long time to take an effect to where you can actually see something happen. Something that you will probably see is a change with the avalanche found in Sholazar Basin. The weight of all the snow will cause the front edge continue to push forward. In 10 years the avalanche will have spread farther but how much, only time can tell. After 10 years not much will change to the physical geography but we will see the avalanche creep forward. Also, 10 years from now you may see the water levels of the lakes and rivers found in the southern areas of Northrend to have increased or decreased. They would increase if the average temperature also increased since that would cause the snow to melt and drain down into these lakes and rivers. And vice-versa if temperatures were to decrease.

                                     (avalanche found in Sholozar Basin will creep forward as time passes)

100 years in the future

After 100 years have passed it will be easier for us to see some physical changes in Northrend. We may see an oxbow lake begin to form in the northern area of Howling Fjord. The northern most river is a meandering river and as time goes on the water will push against the banks and will create longer point bars and as these point bars get longer, the neck of the stream will become narrower and will eventually connect togethor. We will not see the complete formation of this oxbow lake in 100 years but we may see the start of it with the point bars becoming longer and more pronounced.

                                           (showing the start of an oxbow lake in Howling Fjord)

1000 years in the future

1000 years into the future, Northrend's geography will have changed quite a lot compared to 10 or 100 years. You will find that the mountains have grown taller as they are young in the world of Azeroth and the convergence of two continent plates will continue to push the mountains up in the sky. You may also see that the oxbow lake mentioned before may have completed. Northrend as a whole may look almost completely different in 1000 years because of storms, natural processes, or just the different races trying to bend the landscape to their will.

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